Guide to Writing a Press Release for Your Club’s Reopening

Communication is key as health and fitness clubs begin to reopen. When preparing to announce your health club’s reopening plan, the safety of members, staff, and the community is a top priority.

Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


For those who are in the process of reopening—or will be soon—the Guide to Writing a Press Release Announcing Your Club’s Reopening can act as a resource for what should be included in the reopening announcement for your health club.

The guide covers the main points to be included in a press release, such as:

  • A newsworthy headline,
  • media contact,
  • quotes,
  • a boilerplate, and more.

In this guide, you will also learn how to correctly write and format the press release itself with the help of a sample press release. Although this product is specifically written for health and fitness clubs to use for announcing their reopening plan, it is easy to adjust the content to serve as a basic guide for general press releases.

If questions arise after you review this guide, feel free to contact IHRSA Public Relations for more information.

“With social media, you’re often preaching to the choir—the people that already know and follow you. Press releases, on the other hand, allow you to proactively tell your story to a broader audience in a clear and concise manner. Since no one else is telling your story these days, at least not how you want it told, press releases should be an important part of your communication and branding.”

Meredith Poppler, Vice President of Communications and Leadership Engagement