CBI August 2022

Andrea Bell helped build an empire at Inspire Brands Asia. Now, as the new chair of the GHFA Advisory Council, she wants to help make the global fitness industry a vibrant force for change.

Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


“It seems like a lofty goal, but we have to show governments, big business, and the medical industry that we are relevant in terms of moving the needle on public health. We all know that exercise is medicine and that if we can get more people active, it affects the whole population. So we need to start educating policymakers to show that we are more than just moneymaking businesses. We actually do care about public health and the health of our members.”

Andrea Bell, Co-founder, Director, & Chief People Officer

Inspire Brands Asia


We Are the World: While the phrase “we are the world” is hardly original, it does accurately describe IHRSA’s membership. With a presence in more than 60 nations around the globe, the association is truly an international force, with more than 50% of members located outside the U.S. While intensifying efforts of the Global Health & Fitness Alliance (GHFA), IHRSA's international influence could bring a much needed win to the world.


CEO's Column: Our greatest strength is the people who power our movement. We’re rich with brilliant entrepreneurs and passionate professionals who treat our industry as much more than a career—it’s a lifelong mission.

Making a World of Difference: In less than a decade, Andrea Bell has helped build one of the most successful brands in the entire Asia-Pacific region with Inspire Brands Asia. Now, after being elected chair of the GHFA Advisory Council, she sets her sights on creating an influential advocacy arm for the global industry. In this exclusive interview, she explains why she has dedicated her career to fitness and wellness.

Talent Squeeze: With the disruptions of the last few years, operators are finding it more challenging than ever to hire and retain high-quality personal trainers, coaches, and instructors. Here’s what experts and successful club owners suggest for keeping your top talent in-house and happy.

Including Wellness in Your Digital Strategy: The new push for wellness and recovery have made some tech developers expand their menu of services. Considering how dependent consumers are on their mobile technology—“out of app, out of mind”—fitness programmers realize that wellness needs to be part of the digital offering.

News & Know How

News: A new IHRSA board settles in; the IHRSA Foundation adds an impressive roster of experts for its new board; the inside story on the inaugural HALO Investment Summit; the winner of the Congressional Physical Activity Challenge; and much more.

International News: McCall Gosselin, senior vice president of communications & corporate responsibility at Planet Fitness, officially joins the GHFA Advisory Council.

Research Roundup: The Economic Health & Societal Well-being: Quantifying the Impact of the Global Health & Fitness Sector report, commissioned by IHRSA and the GHFA and produced by Deloitte, continues to change the conversation for club owners around the world. Here’s the latest.

REX Roundtables: Mary Laudati, CEO and founder of Mary Laudati Sales Consulting and REX Roundtables chair, explains which KPIs and financial metrics matter the most.


Supplier Content Plus: SportsArt continues to deliver on its promise of sustainability.

Formula for Success: Exerp brings new functionality and profitabilty to the self-service member journey.

Behind the Scenes: Check out the IHRSA Live videos from the 2022 Trade Show in Miami Beach, and you’ll feel like you’re on the show floor.

Industry Partner News: The latest news from the top suppliers in the business.

IHRSA Report

Leadership: As he assumes leadership of the IHRSA Board of Directors, new Chair Chris Craytor, president/COO for acac Fitness & Wellness Centers, explains what IHRSA has meant to him over the years.

Best Practices: Mental wellness is an investment worth making, says Victor Brick, owner/CEO of PF Growth Partners and co-founder of the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation.

IHRSA Membership: Larry Welch, co-owner of Cross Gates Family Fitness, knows what it’s like to survive serious setbacks.