The more deeply you work to understand your members, the more effectively you can engage them with messaging, programming, and services that meet their needs. When you get that right, your club is perceived as an unparalleled, go-to resource for health, wellness, and more.
One of the keys to gaining that knowledge and driving retention is customer, or member, segmentation. Member segmentation is the process of dividing prospects and members based on their specific needs, preferences, and interests. Gathering and utilizing this information in depth can be critical to the personalization and customization of your messaging, helping you create offers that truly resonate.
“Member segmentation creates the opportunity to successfully advertise, market, launch new products, and support your branding, and more,” asserts Bobby Verdun, founder and president of Active Entities Consulting. “There are an inordinate number of ways to communicate to members and future members—more so than ever before—yet we’ve seen age groups, genders, and specific interests respond to communication in diverse ways. For example, 18- to 34-year-olds tend to gravitate to social media and texting, those 35 to 44 check email consistently, and older, active adults seemingly still respond to print media as well as email. Segmentation helps you reach them where they are with messages that resonate.”
The ability to target messaging creates a wide range of benefits, adds Shubham Sethi, cofounder and head of product at Gleantap.