Wellness Continues to be Very Important
A McKinsey & Company report that included a survey of 7,500 people across six countries found that wellness is important to 75% of respondents. In addition, 42% of consumers surveyed rank wellness as a top priority according to an article from Club Industry.
Brent stated this information is just another research study confirming that there's heightened awareness around wellness in the population. The study also noted that 37% of respondents confirmed that their spending habits didn’t just include fitness and exercise, but all-around wellness, including nutrition and sleep.
Brent explained that the definition of wellness differs from one person to the next. “Regardless of how you're defining wellness, what it's about is trying to be the best you that you possibly can,” Brent added.
He went on to note that people are so much more aware of wellness and mindfulness coming out of the pandemic.
Balance Equals Control
The next video was centered around emotional intelligence and broke down an article on the psychology of how the Los Angeles Rams won the Super Bowl by simply being positive. In an interview, Andrew Whitworth, Los Angeles Rams offensive tackle, said they won by remaining relaxed, having fun, and trusting one another.
The article explained how the team followed five rules of positivity to their advantage. The rules are:
If someone is in a difficult situation, help them first.
Recognize positive actions.
Turn criticism into constructive feedback.
Commit when a decision is made.
Focus on what you have accomplished, not what you have ahead of you.
Sara said, “As a CEO trying to guide through this difficult time of COVID, there are so many little rules we apply, but it was cool to see the Los Angeles Rams succeed.”
The group also remembered colleague, friend, and IHRSA Asia-Pacific director, John Holsinger, who passed away in February.
Make sure to catch the next Talks & Takes on March 23, 2022, at 2 p.m. EDT!