Is Your CMS Programmed for the Health Club of 2021?

New times demand new tools. Is your club management software ready for the moment?

The history of businesses, successes and failures, is often a story about innovation and the ability to adapt to a changing marketplace. You have to be nimble and attentive, and understand how to contend with the disruptions that inevitably occur in every economy.

We’ve never seen a disruption like the current pandemic. Lamenting the moment won’t help anybody. You need to take action, innovate, and adapt. And your partners, the suppliers you count on, need to rise to the challenge with you.

Health clubs, through no fault of their own, are now facing a new marketplace, one that changes quickly and unpredictably. In some ways, it’s forced some club owners to completely revamp their best practices, marketing, membership management, and even day-to-day operations, if the club is even open. And these new rules and practices can be complicated and difficult to implement.

Consider IHRSA’s “18 Safety Considerations for Your Health Club Reopening Plan.” This exhaustive compilation can seem overwhelming to some club owners, especially those who are operating with fewer employees because of cutbacks.

For instance, social distancing rules in many areas dictate that you can only allow so many members in the club at one time. Does your CMS have the functionality to track the amount of members in the club as they come and go?

And does your club app allow members to sign up for classes? If not, it should. Not only do members want the convenience, but you need a robust digital system that tracks class attendance, so members won’t show up and find out that the class has been overbooked in the new area of limited occupancy.

These are just a couple of examples of why your club management software needs to be state-of-the-art and adaptive to today’s world. Can you say that about your current CMS?

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What You Need in Your CMS Software

Today’s transaction and customer relations are almost all done digitally, and that means mobile. Your club app has to be receptive to your members’ new needs and desires. It has to be powerful and versatile enough to provide the contactless services that are now required in today’s brick-and-mortar businesses.

In other words, the CMS you used in January may not be ready for today. But your software should be more than reactive. It should be enterprising, delivering advantages that will help you excel during the reopening phase.

According to an article in Forbes,On CMS: How Companies Are Leveraging Their CMS Systems To Help Navigate Through COVID-19,” the writer stresses that businesses need a system that can communicate effectively on a large scale with their customers and community.

“Fully utilizing both campaigns and bulk-emails in a CMS system means companies can send out tailored, personalized mass messages to specific groups based on who they are, where they’re located and what the relationship is with the company.”

But communication is only just a part of what your CMS should be doing for you. Today’s consumers are frustrated and they don’t want complicated hassles when it comes to controlling their billing. Many clubs are adjusting their fees and prorating payments. You need to give your members the ability to adjust their accounts and billing, so they have a sense of control in an environment where they often feel left behind by businesses. Rigid systems that don’t allow this flexibility are going to discourage your members, making them less likely to continue doing business with you.

An underperforming CMS and clunky apps are brand-killers. If you’re not digitally state-of-the-art with online member management, you’re going to be left behind. Even your most committed members will think twice about renewing.

You CMS needs to be able to generate regular automatic upgrades, and offer no-cost returns management, complete data conversions, and real-time usable reports. With most clubs operating with fewer staff, you need to have all of these tasks automatically performed by your built-in CMS, so you can spend more time on rebuilding your business.

With so much at stake and no room for error, you need a software supplier who understands the specific needs of health clubs in the age of COVID-19.

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A CMS That Meets the Urgency of the Moment

Venerable and respected technology company Twin Oaks Software have been in the trenches with health clubs for decades. Having provided state-of-the-art club management software since 1991, Twin Oaks has been there for their clubs in all kinds of situations. With their track record and advanced digital tools, Twin Oaks’ club management tools have the power and versatility to see you through your reopening and beyond.

Their newly minted Twin Oaks Advantage Member App is exactly the CMS solution ideal for today’s marketplace. All of the services and features we listed above are included in this advanced technology, including a cloud-based server that will help your sales efforts during this critical time. Because many automatic functions are built-in to the programming, you won’t waste man hours on redundant tasks and keystroke labor. You’ll be free to follow the sales leads it provides, while your members will have a top-rate member portal at hand 24/7.

You’ll also save time with Twin Oaks’ commitment to unlimited training and support. As you reopen and rebuild, you need a reliable partner that will be in your corner as you move forward into unchartered waters. With their long record of service to the industry, they’re exactly the type of partner that will advocate for your success.

Twin Oaks’ CMS also provides both a cloud/web-based system and a server/desktop option. This is essential at a time when you have to do business in tumultuous environments, when online systems can go down. And this feature should tell you that Twin Oaks is a fully scalable software solution with a customizable interface. They’ll find a way to make sure their services fit what you need, when you need it.

Twin Oaks was founded by club owners. They get it. When it comes to the critical functions of your CMS and digital member portal, you need a powerful product from a reliable partner.

For more information, visit the Twin Oaks website or call them at 866-278-6750.

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Jon Feld

Jon Feld is a contributor to