The history of businesses, successes and failures, is often a story about innovation and the ability to adapt to a changing marketplace. You have to be nimble and attentive, and understand how to contend with the disruptions that inevitably occur in every economy.
We’ve never seen a disruption like the current pandemic. Lamenting the moment won’t help anybody. You need to take action, innovate, and adapt. And your partners, the suppliers you count on, need to rise to the challenge with you.
Health clubs, through no fault of their own, are now facing a new marketplace, one that changes quickly and unpredictably. In some ways, it’s forced some club owners to completely revamp their best practices, marketing, membership management, and even day-to-day operations, if the club is even open. And these new rules and practices can be complicated and difficult to implement.
Consider IHRSA’s “18 Safety Considerations for Your Health Club Reopening Plan.” This exhaustive compilation can seem overwhelming to some club owners, especially those who are operating with fewer employees because of cutbacks.
For instance, social distancing rules in many areas dictate that you can only allow so many members in the club at one time. Does your CMS have the functionality to track the amount of members in the club as they come and go?
And does your club app allow members to sign up for classes? If not, it should. Not only do members want the convenience, but you need a robust digital system that tracks class attendance, so members won’t show up and find out that the class has been overbooked in the new area of limited occupancy.
These are just a couple of examples of why your club management software needs to be state-of-the-art and adaptive to today’s world. Can you say that about your current CMS?