The 2018 IHRSA European Congress in Photos & Video

    Couldn’t join us in Lisbon this week? Check out the highlights to see what you missed.

    The 18th Annual IHRSA European Congress brought together more than 600 leaders from over 36 countries to share insights on the global fitness industry. After 10 years, the anticipated four-day event returned to Lisbon, Portugal, and went beyond the fitness industry to invite outside perspectives from experts in various sectors.

    If you missed this year’s event, we’ve gathered some snapshots to keep you in the know.

    The 2018 Edition of IHRSA Congress Heads to Portugal

    Lisbon, the coastal capital city of Portugal, was the site of the European Congress for the second time for a reason: The weather brought perfect temperatures and beautiful views.

    Industry News 18 Ec Walking Tour Column

    Walking Tour Visits Local Clubs

    Attendees kicked off the week with a walking tour that stopped by Holmes Place and Ginásio Clube Português.

    Industry News 18 Ec Networking Column

    Lasting Bonds on a Global Level

    Between educational sessions, there were plenty of opportunities to connect with old friends and create lasting friendships with new.

    Industry News 18 Ec Ufit Panel Column

    A Reminder of the UFIT Benefits

    Jon Nasta, Catherine Carty, Gerard Masdeu Yelamos, and Kilian Fisher discussed the importance of inclusive fitness at all health clubs—and the benefits inclusivity can bring.

    Industry New 18 Ec Lucy Adams Column

    Lucy Adams on Leading in a Disrupted World

    Lucy Adams, CEO of Disruptive HR and former HR director of the BBC, discussed how to lead your team and business differently while staying resilient during her Technogym-sponsored keynote address. “As leaders, it’s our responsibility to make sure that the individual needs of our employees are met,” she told the crowd.

    Industry News Translation Column

    Translations Left No One Out

    All keynotes and education sessions were simultaneously interpreted into French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

    Industry News 18 Ec Henrik Gockel Column

    European Club Leadership Award Presentation

    IHRSA presented the 2018 European Club Leadership Award to Henrik Gockel, founder and managing director of PRIME TIME fitness in Germany.

    Chris Roebuck Talks Change Management

    Chris Roebuck, British economist and Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership at the Cass Business School in the U.K., gave tips on how to seize opportunities during disruption in his Technogym-sponsored keynote. "Leadership is quite simple: One, build a firm foundation; two, get the best from everyone so that they care; three, focus on what delivers success," Roebuck said to the audience.

    Industry News Show Floor Column

    Equipment and Services On Display

    Suppliers had a chance to show-off their goods during the event and meet one-on-one with attendees.

    Industry News 18 Ec Speakers Audience Column

    Variety of Learning Opportunities

    Audiences were treated to a variety of panelists, speakers, and educational sessions.

    Industry News 18 Ec Pedro Column

    Pedro Vieira’s Quest for Excellence

    Pedro Vieira, Master Trainer at LIFE Training, shared three secrets to achieving personal and team excellence during his Wednesday keynote presentation, sponsored by Keiser Corporation. "Reach faster results in your business by setting a powerful intention for your team," Vieira told the audience.

    Industry News 18 Ec Column

    Already Looking Forward to Next Year

    Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram for important updates on next year's European Congress.

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    HFA Staff @HealthFitAssoc

    This article was a team effort by several HFA experts.