230 Million by 2030
Last year, UFC Gym CEO and IHRSA Board Chair Derek Gallup announced 230 Million by 2030, IHRSA’s global initiative to increase physical activity through health club membership. Today, Gallup, now the Board's ex-officio, announced that in one year the industry grew global membership from 162 million to 174 million.
“If we continue at that rate every year until 2030, we’ll hit 400 million members," he said. "There’s a huge opportunity ahead of us."
Gallup gave an overview of the top 10 countries with the highest percentage of health club members, with Sweden in the number one spot at 31%. He also shared the top 10 countries with the fastest growth in club membership, with the Philippines in the lead with a 33% increase.
"Ninety-four percent of the world doesn’t have a gym membership," Gallup said. Clubs think they're competing with one another, but "the real competition is inactivity."