Fitness Industry Roundup: Ninja Training & New Studio Trends

    Vogue highlights boutique studio trends, one New Jersey facility recreates the “American Ninja Warrior” experience, IHRSA partners with Fitness Network Italia, and more.

    This week we bring you boutique studio trends (cold yoga, anyone?), records set on Capitol Hill, Barry’s Bootcamp CEO's take on fitness friendships, how five tips transformed a struggling gym into a success story, and more fitness industry news.

    Vogue Highlights New Fitness Studio Trends

    Industry News Yoga Group X Column

    Keeping up with the ever-changing fitness industry, Vogue has put together a list of top trends that are shaking up the studio scene. For example, one studio in New York City is experimenting with cold yoga, called BRRRN. Depending on the class, the workout environment is set between 60 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, which, according to some research, has some health benefits. Meanwhile in Los Angeles, a studio called Knockout is bringing together all aspects of self care, including informational workshops, meditation, and journaling. Other top trends include affordable monthly access to various classes in NYC, a new spin on cycling workouts, and ClassPass-provided livestreams of popular classes.

    See more fitness studio trends in Vogue.

    Studio Plans to Offer the Ninja Warrior Experience

    As “Ninja Warrior”-esque workouts are gaining popularity, some traditional gyms and speciality studios are getting in on the action. Joining the facilities that offer that type of training is Skylands Ninja Warrior gym in Newton, N.J. When it opens in June, Skylands Ninja Warrior will offer various obstacles that require climbing, swinging, jumping, and balance challenges. “Here, people can enjoy bringing out their adventurous side. It's a great and fun mentality and a fantastic workout,” owner and former Ninja Warrior competitor Chris Ennis said. Ennis also stated he is focusing on filling a community need by turning the facility into a multi-faceted hotspot with a variety of classes, kids parties, aerial yoga, and more.

    Read the full The Sparta Independent article.

    Barry's Bootcamp CEO Says Community is Key to Reaching Goals

    The foundation of any successful workout is community, according to Barry’s Bootcamp CEO Joey Gonzalez who shared his insights in a Well + Good article. In his experience at Barry’s, Gonzalez said he sees how fitness friendships can push clients closer to their goals. “People love to work out with each other because when something’s difficult and requires discipline, you just naturally bond with one another,” he said. Gonzalez described how he encourages his class members to speak up and talk to fellow exercisers as well as invite friends to spend time together by working toward similar fitness goals. Not to mention, a little friendly competition wouldn’t hurt, he said.

    Read Gonzalez’s article in Well + Good.

    Capitol Hill Staffers Set New Record in ACE Fitness Challenge

    Industry News Capitol Building Washington Dc Column

    The 3rd Annual Congressional Fitness Challenge—a competition that tracks steps and other selected forms of physical activity for six weeks—saw a 200% increase in participation this year, with over 700 competitors from 64 offices. The challenge provided members of Congress, their full-time staff, and interns the opportunity to get more physically active, build camaraderie, and inspire their constituents to embrace physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. The friendly competition drew almost equal numbers of teams from both sides of the political aisle. Members of Congress and their staff competed for the top spot by using MoveSpring, a walking challenge app that tracks steps. “The challenge is appropriately named. It certainly was a challenge. It was a motivational way for my staff to interact beyond the office. I’m ready for next year,” said Utah U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop.

    Learn more about the 3rd Annual Congressional Fitness Challenge.

    Struggling Gym Uses These 5 Tips to Tap into Growth

    For fitness company True Challenge, the real obstacle was its brand, Forbes reports. The gym’s owners were struggling to sell $30/month memberships when they decided to go to a branding guru. Kevin Stimpson, CEO and founder of Strive & Grind, gave the Bayerles the tools they needed to hone in on the type of gym they wanted and who they wanted to attract. By upping the membership fee and undergoing a total rebranding, True Challenge transformed into Billion Dollar Body, gained membership, and increased profits.

    Read the complete case study in Forbes.

    IHRSA Partners with Fitness Network Italia

    IHRSA has entered into a strategic partnership with Fitness Network Italia, extending IHRSA’s discounts and benefits to over 140 thousand Italian health club users. The agreement, which was reached during the FIBO conference in Cologne, Germany, aims to streamline the fitness industry in Italy, improve facilities, and provide training to gym leadership. The partnership will allow hundreds of thousands of gymgoers to use facilities throughout the world and use discounts exclusive to the IHRSA Passport Program. "We are thrilled to have chosen Fitness Network Italia as a strategic partner in Italy as we continue to grow our number of partners across Europe,” said IHRSA Europe Director Florian Cartoux. “Fitness Network Italia has developed very quickly in the last 18 months, and this agreement gives us for the first time the opportunity to strengthen and extend IHRSA's benefits and expertise to Italy. Italian health club owners and operators will now have the opportunity to join IHRSA at discounted membership rates in order to participate in IHRSA events and receive expert educational materials to help them strengthen their businesses and, ultimately, create a healthier world.”

    Learn more about the IHRSA/Fitness Network Italia Partnership.

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    Rachel Valerio

    Rachel Valerio previously served as IHRSA's Digital Content Editor—a position focused on collecting and reporting on fitness industry news, staying on top of IHRSA's social media accounts and website, and hatching new plans to expand the association's digital footprint.

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