Health and fitness club check-in data have held a key role during the pandemic. New data holds an optimistic tune for future attendance—even as at-home fitness and digital options continue their respective rise. Plus, the fitness industry maintains its position in healthcare by hosting pop-up clinics and assisting members with health issues brought on by the pandemic.
Data Suggests Gym Attendance Will Reach Pre-COVID Levels by July
Zoom Media, the parent company of GymTV, analyzed foot traffic at more than 3,700 GymTV U.S. locations. “Our latest gym attendance, even with capacity limits, is already at 65% of visits pre-COVID,” said Lorraine Pyne, vice president, sales and marketing at Zoom Media. With 100% partner gyms open, expanding capacities, and month-to-month increases, Pyne projects that gym attendance will be close to pre-COVID levels by July 1. According to PR Newswire, next, Zoom Media, in partnership with a leading marketing research and insights company, Kantar, will launch a qualitative study on behaviors and attitudes of those returning to the gym.