Does your health club’s marketing strategy include radio ads? A reputable audience measurement company suggests you jump on the train. Just promise me that you’ll read the data before you disregard it!
Before we get to radio advertising—and a couple of bonus stories—let’s review a market study that projects physical fitness equipment to experience exponential growth over the next four years and a list of the world’s best fitness franchises to join.
Market Study Projects ‘Robust Growth’ for Physical Fitness Equipment
Global Industry Analysts Inc., (GIA), a premier market research company, produced a market study that projects the global physical fitness equipment market value to hit $18.5 billion by 2026. As reported in Benzinga, this is an ongoing global program, where growth is driven by a new population focus to maintain healthy lifestyles and decrease chronic disease risk. GIA predicts that connecting consumers to technology and enhancing the customer experience will drive market growth. The study forecasts that dominant training segments will include:
cardiovascular equipment—due to its broader adoption in consumer and commercial markets and popularity across all ages—and
strength training equipment—considering the demand among young consumers and as an integral component of training programs across various sectors.