4 Ways You’ll Know It’s Time to Apply for the IHRSA Board

    Are you interested in joining the IHRSA Board, but unsure if it’s the right time? Here are four ways to tell if you’re ready to apply.

    If you’re an IHRSA member club operator interested in promoting the association and the fitness industry—and having a little fun while you’re at it—now is the time to consider applying to the IHRSA Board!

    The IHRSA Board of Directors is an elected group of industry leaders who are chosen to provide strategic direction and insight to the association. The mission of IHRSA is to grow, protect, and promote the health and fitness industry, and board members act as ambassadors charting the course of the association.

    So, are you ready to join the IHRSA Board? Here’s how you’ll know…

    1. You’re a passionate and dedicated IHRSA member club operator.

    The IHRSA Board seeks candidates who are passionate about the fitness industry, and who have demonstrated involvement with the association in support of IHRSA’s mission.

    “The desire, the fire, to [make a difference] is why...a few years ago, I decided to pursue membership on the IHRSA board,” says IHRSA Board Chair Jason Reinhardt of Go M.A.D. (Make a Difference) Fitness. “A seat on the board permits a person to make a difference in the industry like few others.”

    Are you a strategic thinker constantly focused on innovation for the future? Are you passionate, connected, and authentic? If you answered "yes," the IHRSA Board is for you.

    2. You already play an active role in the industry.

    The board looks for member club operators who are highly engaged in IHRSA and the health and fitness industry. Engagement comes in many forms, including:

    • Participating in industry events and IHRSA programs;
    • Leading education sessions for our future leaders;
    • Sharing trends and best practices at conferences or in digital or printed articles;
    • Promoting public policy as an active ILC member;
    • Serving as international or regional association leader;
    • Encouraging others to participate in IHRSA membership, programs, and meetings.

    “What truly resonates for me is how the IHRSA Board is truly committed to influencing how IHRSA and the fitness industry serve their communities,” says Reinhardt says.

    3. You can make time to work hard (and play hard).

    There are many benefits to serving on the IHRSA Board beyond the prestige of holding a position that helps guide the association and the health club industry. While the typical Board of Directors may call to mind a stuffy, formal organization, the IHRSA Board is anything but.

    Industry News Board Kayaks Boston Column

    Taking a break to kayak on the Charles River during a Board meeting in Boston.

    “The added bonus is the ability to serve with other like-minded individuals to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the challenges our industry is faced with every day,” says Missy Moss, former IHRSA board member and director of operations of corporate owned studios for Orangetheory Fitness. “When the Board meets three times a year, we make it a priority to work out together, try new concepts, and visit our friends at different IHRSA clubs. We like to have fun!”

    IHRSA Board meetings have been known to incorporate yoga, walking, weight training, kayaking, and other activities into discussions and brainstorming sessions.

    “The shared time with other board members is extremely rewarding and fulfilling,” says Allison Flatley, another past board member. “Being able to collaborate with so many successful leaders is inspiring. Plus, you develop close relationships and network with industry colleagues.”

    The Board of Directors’ term is four years. The time commitment is five to 10 hours per month, including travel to three two-day board meetings and committee participation. Travel costs for the Board meetings are covered by the association.

    4. You’re excited to apply!

    Have we convinced you yet? If you think you’re the right fit, we want to learn more about you and your role in the industry.

    New Board member applications are due August 15, 2019.

    The application process involves answering seven questions about your involvement in the health and fitness industry, and with IHRSA. Your involvement in civic or community affairs and/or national and international association activities is also a consideration. You are also asked to provide at least five industry references.

    All applicants are screened and interviewed by at least three members of the IHRSA Nominations Committee. Interviews are done over video chat or in person when possible.

    "I’m excited to work with industry leaders who believe in the success by association IHRSA provides its members. It’s incredibly rewarding to be part of a group that is making a difference in people’s lives on a global scale,” adds Reinhardt. "If you are looking to start your board service journey, please apply to start this exciting process today!”