As a club operator, hiring, managing, retaining—and sometimes firing—your employees are among the biggest challenges that you face. And in today’s work world, people tend to switch jobs with increasing frequency, so you never know when you’ll need to replace a staff member.
Finding the right professionals for important positions for your business can keep it on track; choosing the wrong ones can cause chaos among your members and staff, and hurt your reputation in your community—or even worse.
As you travel the continuum of the hiring process—through the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring phases—each one of those steps needs to be taken wisely and thoughtfully. If you and your staff aren’t careful, legal issues may develop unexpectedly—and, under the worst circumstances, entangle your business in lawsuits that could have been easily avoided.
So, it’s best to be aware—and prepared.
Because having at least a general understanding of employment law is vital to your success, IHRSA is at the ready with some valuable resources that can help to clarify some of the issues, and eliminate some confusion and missteps.
To inspire you to examine your current hiring practices, we offer the following three scenarios that could easily arise at any time in any club. We urge you to consider them before you need to make necessary changes in your staff.