Energy costs in Europe are about 50-60% higher than just a few months ago, depending on when contract renewals are being negotiated. Many hospitality businesses (60-70%) are reportedly economically unviable with current levels of trade and projected energy costs.
Our industry was just starting to recover after years of multiple lockdowns. Now, with customers used to working from home and not going to the gym, higher costs are making many businesses impractical in the short term. Owners will be self-funding or borrowing until they can get back on track.
The simplest way to reduce energy use is to closely manage it. For example:
Switch off lights and unnecessary equipment. Be careful with appliances, such as refrigerators, heating units, and air conditioners, as some need to be powered up even when the building is closed.
Keep doors and windows closed, but enable sufficient ventilation, due to COVID concerns.
Report faults—such as leaking faucets—and fix them.
These are good places to start, but there’s much more you can do. More simple steps you can take include ensuring:
Door closers work well;
Draught proofing is in good condition and intact;
Thermostats, time switches, and room temperatures are set correctly;
Lighting units are clean and fully working; and
Lighting is off when there is sufficient daylight.
Full Checklist to Combat Health Club Energy Costs
There are numerous ways to institute significant changes to your health club’s energy costs. The following checklist will cover several areas in your club and suggestions on how you can take full advantage of lowering energy costs.
Adjust heat temperatures down a few degrees.
Ensure time switches are correctly set.
Properly maintain heating and ventilation equipment. Ventilation is expensive and condensation can quickly damage a building.
Pool hall humidity needs to be measured. When it drops below condensation level, the heating and ventilation system can be reduced.
When pool covers are put on, the humidity will drop, enabling the heating to be turned down.
Dehumidification and ventilation rates must be kept at optimal settings