40 Reasons to Attend IHRSA 2021, Part 2

If you’re still on the fence about attending IHRSA 2021, we are counting down the top 40 reasons why you should join in on the fun this October.

We can think of hundreds of reasons why nobody in our industry should miss IHRSA 2021, but for the sake of time, we’ve narrowed it down to just 40. Whether this will be your first Convention, or you’re a seasoned veteran, there will be something for everyone in Dallas from October 13-15.

Here are 10 more reasons to attend IHRSA 2021 (and here are the first 10 as a refresher):

30. You may end up in CBI. Don’t miss your star moment by being featured in a CBI photo montage of the show. Who knows? You may go viral online at ihrsa.org. Don’t let your star power go to waste. At IHRSA 2021, everyone has a leading role.

29. Have IHRSA help you “make connections.” We’re all re-learning how to be social again, and we’re here to help. On Wednesday morning, Nicole Johnson, director of U.S. club membership for IHRSA, will host a “Making Connections” orientation to help guide you through the week’s events. You’ll also meet new folks like you getting back into the swing of things. It’s a great event for newbies trying to navigate through the trade show for the first time.

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Making connections at IHRSA 2019.

28. Bust a move! Nothing beats great workouts with world-class trainers. Whether it’s early morning classes or workouts on the trade show floor, you’ll find a group exercise activity taught by top instructors that you are sure to love—or discover for the very first time!

27. Attend the 12th Annual IHRSA Women’s Leadership Summit. This Wednesday morning event will highlight the contributions of women in the industry, and events all to network, share ideas, and grow professionally. Hosted by Tiffany VanDeMark, Founder & CEO, VanDeMark Partners (Sponsored by Club Automation).

26. See new trends in action. It’s more important this year than any other to see what’s new in health, fitness, and wellness by the industry’s top innovators. Need a refresher? Check out some of the happenings from the last time the global community got together at IHRSA.

25. Learn to become more innovative with Diana Kander. The best-selling author of The Curiosity Muscle will deliver a keynote address that will get you excited about the future. A successful entrepreneur and innovation consultant, Kander will provide real-world experience in how to put your creative ideas into action. (Sponsored by ABC Fitness Solutions.)

24. It’s not Zoom! Prepare for a global reunion. Remember international travel? It’s back! All those friends and acquaintances from faraway places will now be personally in a room instead of on Zoom. Speaking of Z’s, Zumba Education Specialist Krista Jacobs, Strong Nation Master Trainer, will be on hand to lead a special Thursday morning class.

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IHRSA 2019 attendees get in a quick morning workout.

23. Master essential tasks at the IHRSA Skill Workshops. For those who want to learn video strategy, web tech, and digital marketing, these morning classes are a godsend. Just bring your laptop, tablet, or smartphone and get ready to become the most valuable member on your staff.

22. Balance your ledger at the 24th Annual IHRSA Financial Panel. In a panel moderated by Rick Caro, president of Management Vision, Inc., you’ll learn the latest trends in financial management to help you become fiscally healthier after the challenges of shutdowns.

21. Check out the IHRSA Global Think Tank. You won’t want to miss this Wednesday afternoon gathering of some of the time minds in the industry. Facilitated by Bill McBride, Co-founder, president, and CEO, Active Wellness, Blair McHaney, CEO of MXM and owner of Worx Health Clubs, Eddie Tock, CEO, REX Roundtables for Executives. This will be followed by a fun reception. (Sponsored by Gympass.)

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HFA Staff @HealthFitAssoc

This article was a team effort by several HFA experts.

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