Club Fit Uses Storytelling to Engage Cancer Survivors and First Responders
Clubs Fit proves that gyms provide the perfect place for people to gather and share their stories about their fitness journeys.
Club Fit Uses Storytelling to Engage Cancer Survivors and First Responders
Clubs Fit proves that gyms provide the perfect place for people to gather and share their stories about their fitness journeys.
4 Ways Health Clubs Benefit from Offering Community Programs
Many clubs that offer community programs aren't in it for the business benefits. But giving back often has its perks.
GIVE Fitness Stresses Purpose Over Profit
GIVE Fitness challenges the conventional health club business model by prioritizing the needs of the people they service over financial gains.
How Franco’s Athletic Club Became Mandeville’s ‘Community Place’
The Francos created a health club culture centered around families and community long before other clubs got on board.
Expand the Depth and Breath of Your Knowledge to Lead Effectively
"While you need to have a passion for fitness, you also need a solid understanding as to what ultimately drives profitability," says Janine Williams of Leisure Sports.
Lead by “Walking the Talk” and Working Out Every Day
Jim Worthington of Newtown Athletic Club tells us that a benefit of being a leader is “there is something to be learned from everyone…Innovation and inspiration comes when it is often least expected and often it can be found in unusual places.”
Enforcing Health Club Rules: 3 Hypothetical Situations and Solutions
It's inevitable that conflicts will arise among members at your club. Know your rights, and how and when to take action to enforce your gym's rules.