What to Expect at IHRSA 2021: Celebrate the Industry’s Revival
The IHRSA 2021 event program has been finalized. Saddle up to celebrate the fitness industry’s revival in Dallas, TX!
What to Expect at IHRSA 2021: Celebrate the Industry’s Revival
The IHRSA 2021 event program has been finalized. Saddle up to celebrate the fitness industry’s revival in Dallas, TX!
Fitness Industry Roundup: Gyms Prioritize Health & Wellness
Check-in data shows Americans prioritize their health as gym attendance is on the rise, a fitness equipment manufacturer makes home exercise possible, and more.
Fitness Industry Roundup: A Greater Sense of Purpose
Physically active lifestyles look different for everyone, but the gains and satisfaction of it are more universal.
Fitness Industry Roundup: New Memberships & Visits on the Rise
The industry sees an upward trend in health club memberships and visits, and research details technology’s crucial part in fitness.
Fitness Industry Roundup: Gearing Up to Fight COVID
The fitness industry aims to help those struggling with coronavirus, neurological conditions, and more.
Fitness Industry Roundup: Sustainability & Consumer Marketing
The fitness industry looks to innovate with contemporary, post-COVID facilities and services. And we look at how marketing to consumers has changed.
Fitness Industry Roundup: The Future Looks Promising
Research shows that the health, fitness, and wellness sectors became more meaningful and crucial to consumers. Plus, a new program weaves fitness into healthcare.
Fitness Industry Roundup: Exercise Brings People Together
The health and fitness industry promotes physically active lifestyles because of the infinite amount of benefits that come with it. Here’s a handful of stories that show why your daily routine should include health and wellness.
Gyms Gain Strength in Medical Voices
Medical and health experts nationwide agree that health clubs and gyms are crucial to overall health and safe to visit amid a pandemic when proper safety guidelines are in place.
Fitness Industry Roundup: Gyms Keep Public Health at Forefront
Health and fitness clubs are seeing an uptick in visitors and memberships. Plus, on the rise are news features focused on gym safety and the vital role the industry plays.
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