Kids in Gyms: 7 Frequently Asked Questions Answered
Health clubs can attract whole families when they offer children's programming. Discover how to get started while ensuring the safety of kids in your club.
Kids in Gyms: 7 Frequently Asked Questions Answered
Health clubs can attract whole families when they offer children's programming. Discover how to get started while ensuring the safety of kids in your club.
How 'Get Fit' Helped 3 Clubs Connect with Their Community
Commit to Get Fit launched 30 years ago. What lessons can we learn from three of the original participating clubs?
IHRSA Thanks Lawmakers for Prioritizing Kids’ Health
Pennsylvania lawmakers recognize “Every Kid Healthy Week."
3 Ways Gyms Can Help Members Maintain Their Weight Loss Success
Not only are gyms the perfect place for people who want to lose weight, they’re also in an ideal position to their help members keep it off.
How to Create a Medicare-reimbursed Diabetes Program
In three steps, your club could tap into a new opportunity and help address a significant health problem.
New Guide to Help Gyms Leverage the Diabetes Prevention Program
According to the CDC, more than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar is elevated, but not yet to the levels of type 2 diabetes. Most people do not know they have prediabetes—only 11.6% of people with the condition are aware.
How Your Club Can Leverage Diabetes Prevention Programs
In 2018, Medicare changed the rules to allow non-clinical centers (like gyms) to be reimbursed for Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) services. Let's talk about how your club can leverage new opportunities in diabetes prevention.
7 Ways Your Health Club Can Help Members Meet Their Goals
Help your members accomplish their goals with these seven easy tips from club owners like you.
3 Reasons Gyms Should Explore Offering Worksite Wellness
Worksite wellness, also called corporate wellness, may be the solution to sedentary lifestyles. And gyms—a natural partner—stand to benefit.
How Health Clubs Can Help Members with All Types of Diabetes
Regular exercise benefits people with Type 2 diabetes, but it can also help people with other forms of diabetes maintain good health.
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