How Health Clubs Still Serve At-risk Groups Amid Pandemic
IHRSA spoke with four health and fitness centers leading the industry in health and wellness programming. Here's how they're continuing to serve at-risk populations.
How Health Clubs Still Serve At-risk Groups Amid Pandemic
IHRSA spoke with four health and fitness centers leading the industry in health and wellness programming. Here's how they're continuing to serve at-risk populations.
What Your Gym Needs to Know About Physician Referral Programs
An increasing number of studies are pointing out the benefits of physician referrals for exercise. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some clubs who could prove they were offering health services were allowed to remain open, even as others closed. Here's the evidence your club can use to continue to build relationships with the medical community.
While Informative, South Korean COVID-19 Study Has Limited Applicability
Media and policymakers continue to cite a COVID-19 transmission study that, while informative, has limited applicability to the current health club environment.
Exercise Benefits Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy
Learn about three studies showing how exercise can alleviate adverse side effects for some cancer patients, be used as a prevention and mental health promotion strategy, and how it can help lower depression and hostility in sedentary adults.
How to Handle a Coronavirus Case in Your Club
New cases will continue to emerge as more people venture out and as businesses reopen. Here’s how to communicate with your members if someone at your club tests positive.
As gyms begin to reopen amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many are wondering whether it is safe to resume pre-closure activities, including working out in the gym. Here are four evidence-based reasons why exercise is beneficial for immune and overall health.
The Four-pronged Framework to Health Club Reopening
We’ve provided a framework to help clubs around the world manage risks associated with COVID-19 in exercise facilities.
Coronavirus: Prevention & Best Practices for Your Gym
The world has been experiencing a coronavirus pandemic since late 2019. This article provides basic information about the outbreak and how your club can help keep members and staff safe and informed.
Implementing a Strategy to Convert Fitness Services to Virtual
As COVID-19 forces health clubs to close their doors, an alternative for keeping a steady flow of business has arisen. Learn how to make virtual exercises and classes available for members.
Coronavirus Issue Roundup: What Your Club Needs to Know
You’ve been hearing about coronavirus in the news. Here’s what you need to know.
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