Member Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The Health & Fitness Association (HFA) is a not-for-profit trade association serving the global fitness industry. As a member of HFA, I agree, on behalf of the organization I represent, that we agree to operate our fitness facility(s) with honesty, integrity, and in compliance with all national and local laws, regulations, and legal requirements which apply for the jurisdiction(s) we conduct our business(s). We pledge that our facility(s) meets the conditions for membership as defined by the HFA bylaws.

Industry Partner Code of Conduct

Health & Fitness Association (HFA) is a not-for-profit trade association serving the global fitness industry. As an Industry Partner Member of HFA, our mission is to provide quality products and services to our customers. Our organization agrees to conduct itself with honesty, integrity, and in compliance with all national and local laws, regulations, and ordinances which apply for the jurisdiction(s) we conduct business.