Statement on the House Committee on Small Business Markup of FY 2022 Budget Reconciliation Bill

    The Community Gyms Coalition and IHRSA released the following statement after the House Committee on Small Business marked up its portion of the reconciliation bill.

    IHRSA CGC Logos2

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—September 9, 2021—The Community Gyms Coalition (CGC), and IHRSA, the Global Health & Fitness Association, groups representing more than 40,000 gyms and fitness studios across the U.S., released the following statement on the House Committee on Small Business markup of its portion of the reconciliation bill.

    "While we are disappointed that the Small Business Committee did not include targeted relief for the fitness industry in its section of reconciliation, we are heartened by statements from Chairwoman Velázquez and Rep. Phillips that the Small Business Committees in the House and the Senate are working on a targeted relief package for gyms and other hard-hit industries. We look forward to working with them to see this much needed relief signed into law.

    The GYMS Act boasts broad bipartisan support, cosponsored by more than 150 Representatives House and 16 Senators. And just last week, almost 50 Democratic co-sponsors signed a letter urging Speaker Pelosi to include the legislation in the reconciliation bill.

    While other industries have received multiple rounds of relief, community gyms have been left behind twice. Our industry was one of the few that had to bear the brunt of government-mandated closures and it’s been a hard road. 1.5M fitness professionals, including gym employees, personal trainers, and operators lost their jobs during the pandemic -- equivalent to 47% of industry jobs -- and almost a quarter (22%) of all gyms and health clubs in America have closed their doors permanently.

    Our fitness facilities and health clubs have become mainstays on main streets across the country as anchor tenants and beacons of health in our communities. Congress recognizes that Americans' health and fitness need to be prioritized, and we are hopeful based on comments today that Congress will also support the industry leading the charge."

    Learn more about the Community Gyms Coalition here:

    Learn more about IHRSA here:

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    HFA Staff @HealthFitAssoc

    This article was a team effort by several HFA experts.