Reps. Quigley & Fitzpatrick File Health & Fitness Recovery Act

    U.S. Reps. Michael Quigley (D-IL) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) are taking action to help health and fitness facilities disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

    BOSTON, MA—October 2, 2020—Since previous government programs have not been sufficient for all the health and fitness facilities affected by COVID-19, U.S. Reps. Michael Quigley (D-IL) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) have filed the Health & Fitness Recovery Act of 2020.

    IHRSA, the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, and IHRSA Board Ex-officio Jim Worthington of the Newtown Athletic Club worked with Fitzpatrick to draft the bill. Then, Gale Landers of Fitness Formula Clubs was brought on board to gain Quigley’s endorsement so that the bill would have both Republican and Democratic representation.

    Loss in revenue, massive layoffs, permanent closures, and substantial bankruptcies drag on and take their toll on the fitness industry. In order to address the pressing needs of the industry, IHRSA is encouraging everyone involved or connected with the fitness industry—club owners, operators, fitness professionals, industry suppliers, etc.—to reach out to their member of Congress and ask that they co-sponsor the Health & Fitness Recovery Act (H.R. 8485) and support its inclusion in any future COVID-19 relief bill.

    To ensure the fitness industry’s survival and battle the significant loss of revenue, fitness industry owners and employers can use this campaign to contact their member of Congress and industry employees can use this campaign to fight to save jobs.

    The Health & Fitness Recovery Act creates a $30 billion fund to provide grants to affected health and fitness businesses. Grant amounts are capped at actual business loss up to 10% of previous year’s revenue or $10 million, whichever is less. Eligible expenses include:

    • Payroll costs,
    • Rent payments,
    • Utilities,
    • Maintenance, including construction or reconfiguration to accommodate social distancing requirements,
    • Supplies, including protective equipment and cleaning materials, and more.

    Brent Darden, interim president and CEO of IHRSA, fully supports the inclusion of the Health & Fitness Recovery Act in a relief bill. “We are grateful to Representative Fitzpatrick and Congressman Quigley for bringing this much needed relief bill to Congress—it’s nice to see that our industry has bipartisan support. Now, we urge anyone and everyone in the fitness industry to do their part and contact their lawmakers to bring attention to the Health & Fitness Recovery Act and include this measure in any future COVID-19 bill.”

    About IHRSA

    IHRSA, the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, is a not-for-profit trade association representing the global fitness industry of over 200,000 health and fitness facilities and their suppliers.

    IHRSA maintains a leadership role in advancing physical activity, which is critical to peak health and fight the battle against obesity and chronic lifestyle disease. As one of the world's leading authorities on the commercial health club industry, IHRSA’s mission is to grow, promote, and protect the health and fitness industry, while providing its members with benefits and resources. IHRSA and its members are devoted to making the world happier, healthier, and more prosperous through regular exercise and activity promotion.

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    Sami Smith

    Sami Smith is IHRSA's Senior Manager of Digital Communications, working to shape the organization's image on various digital platforms. On a typical day, she creates content, delivers impactful communications, and executes targeted marketing efforts to keep IHRSA at the forefront of the industry. Outside of the office, you can find her exploring new destinations, indulging in food, or participating in just about any sport.

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